While most animals who arrive at shelters across the country are dogs or cats, there are lots of other pets looking for a new home.

Welcome to the Humane Society Animal Shelter! The animals are waiting to meet you, and the staff are happy to introduce you to the wonderful animals who are available for adoption. Tails from the Animal Shelter Written by Stephanie Shaw | Illustrated by Liza Woodruff Thanks to Sleeping Bear Press for sending me a copy of Tails from the Animal Shelter for review consideration. To celebrate today, capture your pet doing something extraordinary-or ordinary, it doesn’t really matter-and share them for your family, friends, and the world to see!

Our pets are just so cute and funny and clever that it’s hard not to show everyone. Today’s holiday probably needs no special promotion since sharing pictures of our singular pets with our friends, coworkers, and family is something all many of us pet owners do every day, whether it’s on social media or just scrolling through pics of our pet’s latest antics on our phone.