Warrior cats into the wild full book
Warrior cats into the wild full book

He would never understand the restless longing that Rusty’s dreams stirred in him night after night. He was perfectly content living with house folk. His black and white friend had never shown any interest in venturing into the woods. These two characters reminded me of Dumbledore and Snape (though not too closely). Cats such as Bluestar and Yellowfang form the older authority figures. This friendship reminded me strongly of Harry on Ron when they first met in the Philosopher’s Stone. Greypaw adds the laughter to what is, when you really think about it, a rather gritty story. Rusty forms a firm friendship with an apprentice (warrior in training, more than six months old) called Greypaw, a longhaired solid grey tom. Into the Wild did occasionally remind me of the Harry Potter books, both in writing style and content. The book contains an excellent list of characters and maps that make it easy to get up to speed with the world in which the cats live. Into the Wild is a pleasant, easy read containing a strong central character ably surrounded by strong elder figures and good friends. Enter Rusty, a domestic house cat who may turn out to be the greatest warrior of them all.

warrior cats into the wild full book warrior cats into the wild full book warrior cats into the wild full book

The four Clans have shared the forest for generations but ThunderClan’s territory is in danger as the sinister and mysterious ShadowClan grows stronger each day. Into the Wild is the first book in the popular Warrior Cars series.

Warrior cats into the wild full book